Summary List of Indicators

Summary List of Indicators

Summary List of Indicators

  1. Family Planning

    1. Community-Based Family Planning Services

      1. Number of community-based family planning providers trained
      2. Percent of population living within two hours travel time from service delivery points providing family planning services
      3. Percent of respondents who report discussing family planning with a health or family planning worker or promoter in the past 12 months
      4. Percent of women using a modern family planning method who obtained their current method from a community-based worker
      5. Percent of community-based family planning providers who report not experiencing a stock-out in the past 6 months
      6. Number/percent of FP clients reached by a community-based worker in the past 12 months
      7. Number/Percent of community health workers certified to inject contraception
      8. Number/Percent of community health workers certified during the previous reporting period who received at least one in-person supportive supervision visit for providing injectable contraception within [x] months after successful completion of practicum
      9. Number/Percent of community health workers reporting a stock-out of injectables
      10. Number of injections provided
    2. Family Planning (Core)

      1. Family Planning Program Effort Index
      2. Number of first-time users of modern contraception
      3. Couple-years of protection (CYP)
      4. Method mix
      5. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR)
      6. Source of supply (by method)
      7. Contraceptive Continuation rates
      8. Unmet need for family planning
      9. Percent of births that are reported as unintended
      10. Desire for additional children
      11. Percent of women of reproductive age who have heard about at least three methods of family planning
      12. Percent of the population who know of at least one source of modern contraceptive services and/or supplies
    3. Family Planning and HIV

      1. Number/percent of HIV service delivery points that are providing integrated voluntary family planning services
      2. Percent of female clients of reproductive age attending HIV-related service delivery points with unmet need for family planning
      3. Percent of family planning clients who received HIV testing at the family planning service delivery point or were referred for HIV testing
      4. Percent of clients at HIV service delivery points who received voluntary family planning counseling (including safe contraception/safe pregnancy counseling)
      5. Number/percent of HIV service delivery points that offer at least three types of family planning methods
      6. Number and type of contraceptive methods available at HIV service delivery points
      7. Percent of clients at an HIV service delivery point who received a family planning method
      8. Number of clients who accept (for the first time in their lives) modern contraception at an HIV service delivery point
      9. Number/percent of clients who received a referral from an HIV service delivery point to a family planning clinic
      10. Percent of continuing care and treatment clients reporting unintended pregnancy
      11. Percent of HIV healthcare workers who completed a family planning training program
      12. Percent of HIV service delivery points that offer at least three types of family planning methods and have had documented routine supportive supervision of family planning/HIV services within the past 12 months
    4. Family Planning and Maternal and Child Health

      1. Number or percent of maternal and child health services clients who received counseling about LAM
      2. Number or percent of service delivery points which offer a range of appropriate contraceptive options for postpartum women
      3. Number or percent of providers at service delivery points who know the contraceptive options for postpartum women up to six months postpartum
      4. Number or percent of service delivery points that offer postpartum family planning integrated with other services, by type of service
      5. Evidence that preservice and/or inservice curricula includes postpartum care and pregnancy spacing/limiting components as part of postpartum family planning
      6. Percent of postpartum women with unmet need for contraception
      7. Number/percent of women who delivered in a facility and initiated or left with a modern contraceptive method prior to discharge
      8. Nombre ou percentage des femmes qui ont accouché dans un établissement et qui ont entrepris ou quitté l’établissement avec une méthode de contraception moderne avant la décharge
      9. Number or percent of women who delivered in a facility and received counseling on family planning prior to discharge
      10. Nombre ou pourcentage de femmes qui ont accouché dans un éstablissement et ont reçu des conseils sur la planification familiale avant la décharge
    5. Fertility

      1. Wanted total fertility rate
      2. Total fertility rate
      3. Age-specific fertility rates
      4. Age at first birth
      5. Prevalence of infertility in women
    6. Global Reproductive Health Indicators

      1. WHO’s short list of reproductive health indicators for global monitoring
      2. PAI’s Reproductive Risk Index
    7. Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy

      1. Number of national, provincial, or district level policies, frameworks or guidelines, that include HTSP recommendations
      2. Number/percent of health and non-health workers trained in HTSP who can state the three HTSP recommendations, by type of trainee
      3. Number/percent of target population who can state at least one benefit of delaying first pregnancy until after 18 years old
      4. Number/percent of target population who can state at least one health benefit of waiting at least two years after last live birth before attempting the next pregnancy
      5. Percent of target population who can state at least one benefit of waiting 6 months after a miscarriage or abortion before attempting the next pregnancy
      6. Number/percent of married women under age 18 exposed to HTSP counseling/education who subsequently adopted a family planning method to delay first pregnancy
      7. Percent of children aged 0-23 months who were born (to mothers who have received HTSP counseling/education) at least 33 months after the previous surviving child
      8. Number/percent of women who received family planning information for pregnancy spacing during a postpartum/postabortion visit, by type of visit
      9. Number/percent of women, with a child under age two, exposed to HTSP counseling/education, who subsequently adopted a family planning method in order to space their next pregnancy
    8. Long-Acting and Permanent Methods

      1. Extent to which LAPMs are explicitly included in national RH or FP policies
      2. Extent to which LAPM supplies/equipment are on the approved import list
      3. Percent of CPR accounted for by LAPMs, broken down by method
      4. Percent of service delivery points offering a mixture of short-acting modern contraceptive and long-acting reversible contraceptive methods
      5. Percent of facilities offering a permanent method of family planning
      6. Number of health providers trained in long acting and permanent services
      7. Percent of facilities offering family planning services that provide referrals for LAPM
      8. Percent of facilities meeting minimum standards with regard to essential supplies and equipment to support provision of LAPMs
      9. Percent of facilities with appropriate staff to support quality LAPM services
      10. Percent of women and men who have heard of at least one LAPM
      11. Percent of clients who receive high quality, comprehensive counseling for LAPMs
      12. Percent of men and women who intend to use an LAPM in the future
    9. Method Choice

      1. Percent of service delivery points prepared to provide a specific service that have actively provided this service within the last month
      2. Percent of service delivery points offering a mixture of short-acting modern contraceptive and long-acting reversible contraceptive methods
      3. Percent of facilities offering a permanent method of family planning
      4. Percent of clients referred to other family planning services
      5. Method mix
      6. Method information index
      7. Source of supply
      8. Percent of women whose demand is satisfied for a modern method of contraception
      9. Percent of women who obtained contraceptive method of choice
      10. Percent of women who chose their contraceptive method individually or jointly
    10. Repositioning Family Planning

      1. Evidence of FP policies implemented, resources allocated and subsequently used in relation to the same FP policy
      2. New and/or increased resources are committed to FP in the last two years
      3. Evidence of international FP best practices incorporated into national health standards
      4. Evidence of entities provided with donor assistance that demonstrate capacity to independently implement FP activities
      5. Evidence that policy barriers to equitable and affordable FP services and information have been identified and/or removed
      6. Evidence of instances of the implementation of policies that promote FP services and information
      7. Evidence of targeted public and private sector officials, FBOs, or community leaders publicly demonstrating new or increased commitment to FP
      8. Evidence of governments engaging multiple sectors in FP activities
      9. Evidence of data or information used to support repositioning FP efforts
  2. Sexual and Reproductive Health

  3. Women’s Health

    1. Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health

      1. Existence of supportive adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health policies
      2. Adolescents are/were involved in the design of materials and activities and in the implementation of the program
      3. Number of young people trained as peer educators
      4. Percent of young people trained as peer educators who are active during a reference period
      5. Number/percent of health workers trained to provide adolescent and youth-friendly services
      6. Percent service delivery points providing youth friendly services
      7. Sexual and reproductive health education curriculum conformity to “best practices”
      8. Number/percent of schools offering comprehensive sex education
      9. Percent of adults in community who have a favorable view of the program
      10. Percent of adolescents aware of the program
      11. Number/percent of adolescents served or reached by the program
      12. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge
      13. Percent of adolescents who have “positive” attitudes toward key sexual and reproductive health issues
      14. Percent of adolescents who are confident that they could refuse sex if they didn’t want it
      15. Percent of adolescents who are confident that they could get their partner(s) to use contraceptives/condoms if they desired
      16. Percent of youth who believe they could seek sexual and reproductive health information and services if they needed them
      17. Use of specified sexual and reproductive health services by young people
      18. Age at first intercourse
      19. Percent adolescents who have ever had sex
      20. Number/percent of adolescents who have experienced coercive or forced sex
      21. Number of youth who have ever received money or other form of exchange for sex
      22. Age mixing in sexual partnerships among young women
      23. Number of sexual partners among sexually active adolescents during a specified reference period
      24. Percent of adolescents who were ever diagnosed and treated for an STI
      25. Percent of girls vaccinated with 2 doses of HPV vaccine by age 15 years
      26. HIV prevalence among young people (15-24)
      27. Condom availability for young people (15-24)
      28. Percent of sexually active young people who used a condom at first/last sex
      29. Percent of sexually active, unmarried adolescents who consistently use condoms
      30. Percent of adolescents who regularly use drugs/alcohol
      31. Percent of adolescents who feel “connected” with their parents/family
      32. Percent of sexually active young people who used contraception at first/last sex
      33. Contraceptive prevalence rate among young people
      34. Unmet need for family planning among young people
      35. Percent of young people who have ever been pregnant or caused a pregnancy
      36. Antenatal care use at age less than 20 years
      37. Adolescent birth rate
    2. Breastfeeding

      1. National policy adopted on all provisions stipulated in the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes
      2. Percent of children born in the last 24 months who were put to the breast within one hour of birth
      3. Proportion of infants 0-5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breast milk
      4. Percent of infants ages 6 to 8 months who receive complementary food
      5. Percent of eligible women who use the lactational amenorrhea method as their method of family planning
    3. Cervical Cancer

      1. Existence of national cervical cancer prevention policy
      2. Percent health facilities offering cervical cancer screening services
      3. Number of health workers trained in cervical cancer screening
      4. Percent of women 30-49 who are aware that screening exists for cervical cancer
      5. Percent of women 30-49 who have been screened at least once for cervical cancer
      6. Percent of VIA (visual inspection with acetic acid) screenings that test positive
      7. Percent of screened positive women who have received treatment
      8. Mortality rate from cervical cancer
    4. Female Genital Cutting

      1. Law prohibits all forms of FGC
      2. Percent of the population with correct knowledge about FGC
      3. Percent of the population favorable to the continuation of FGC
      4. Number of communities that have publicly engaged to abandon FGC
      5. Percent of women 15-19 years old who have undergone FGC
      6. Among cut women aged 15-19, the nature of the procedure performed
      7. Among cut women aged 15-19, percent who had it performed by a medical practitioner
      8. Percent of mothers aged 15-49 who have at least one daughter who is cut
      9. Percent of women who do not intend to have any of their daughters undergo FGC
      10. Percent of sevice delivery points providing medical and psychological services and referrals for women/girls with FGC complications
      11. Number of health providers trained in FGC management and counseling
    5. Malaria in Pregnancy

      1. Number/percent of antenatal clinic staff trained in the control of malaria during pregnancy in the past 12 months
      2. Percent of health facilities without stock-outs of first-line antimalarial medicines, mosquito nets and diagnostics, by month
      3. Number/percent of pregnant women who received two or more doses of IPTp while attending antenatal care
      4. Number/percent of women aged 15-49 who received two or more doses of IPTp during their last pregnancy
      5. Number/percent of women who were treated for malaria during their most recent pregnancy
      6. Percent of pregnant women who report having slept under an ITN the previous night
    6. Newborn Health

      1. Percent of audience who know at least three warning/ danger signs of newborn complications
      2. Percent of newborns receiving immediate care according to MOH guidelines
      3. Percent of deliveries in which a perinatal clinical record was properly completed
      4. Percent of deliveries in which a partogram is correctly used
      5. Percent of home births with cord cut with clean instrument
      6. Percent of newborns with nothing harmful applied to cord (for home and facility deliveries)
      7. Percent of newborns dried immediately after delivery (for home and facility deliveries)
      8. Percent of newborns with delayed bath (for home and facility deliveries)
      9. Percent of newborns receiving a postnatal care check within two days of birth
      10. Percent of low birth-weight singleton live births, by parity
      11. Percent of infants born to HIV-infected mothers who are infected
      12. Number of neonatal tetanus cases
      13. Neonatal mortality rate (NMR)
      14. Perinatal mortality rate (PMR)
      15. Birth weight specific mortality rate (BWSMR)
      16. Percent of women with a live birth who reported seeking care from a skilled provider for a sick newborn
      17. Intrapartum and very early neonatal death rate
    7. Obstetric Fistula

      1. Obstetric fistula prevalence
      2. Existence of a national ostetric fistula policy or strategy
      3. Obstetric fistula data collected in the HMIS database
      4. Number of doctors trained in obstetric fistula repairs
      5. Number of facilities with functioning obstetric fistula surgical treatment capacity
      6. Surgical competency upon completion of obstetric fistula training
      7. Met need for surgical treatment among women diagnosed with obstetric fistula seeking surgical repair services
      8. Percent of women presenting with obstetric fistula who have a successful first repair, by facility
      9. Percent of women who have been treated for obstetric fistula who receive family planning or birth spacing counseling
      10. Percent of obstetric fistula treatment facilities that provide social reintegration services
      11. Percent of women who have been treated for obstetric fistula who receive reintegration services
    8. Postabortion Care

      1. Legal status of abortion
      2. Policy status of abortion
      3. Abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age
      4. Percent of obstetric and gynecological admissions owing to abortion
      5. Number/percent of service delivery points providing postabortion care services by type and geographic distribution
      6. Number/percent of practitioners trained in postabortion care by type and geographic distribution
      7. Percent of service delivery points providing postabortion care services that meet a defined standard of quality
      8. Percent of women receiving postabortion care services who receive pain medication prior to the uterine evacuation procedure
      9. Number/percent of service delivery points that offer contraception to postabortion care clients
      10. Percent of postabortion care clients counseled on contraception
      11. Percent of deaths related to unsafe abortion
      12. Percent of postabortion care clients who left the facility with a contraceptive method
    9. Reproductive Health in Emergency Situations

      1. Number of incidents of sexual violence reported per 10,000 population
      2. Percent of health facilities with adequate supplies for universal precautions
      3. Number of condoms distributed per 10,000 population
      4. Number of clean delivery kits distributed
      5. Coverage of HIV rapid tests for safe blood transfusion
      6. Availability of clinical management of rape survivors
    10. Safe Motherhood

      1. Existence of a safe motherhood strategic or operational plan to promote access and/or quality of safe motherhood services
      2. Minimum package of antenatal care services defined
      3. Maternal neonatal program index (MNPI)
      4. Number of facilities per 500,00 providing basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care
      5. Geographic distribution of EmOC facilities
      6. Percent of health facilities with skilled attendant (doctor, nurse or midwife) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
      7. Percent of communities that have an emergency transport plan in place
      8. Percent of audience that know three primary warning/danger signs of obstetric complications
      9. Percent of skilled health personnel knowledgeable in obstetric warning signs
      10. Percent of women attended, at least once during their pregnancy, by skilled health personnel for reasons relating to the pregnancy
      11. Percent women attended at least four times for antenatal care during pregnancy
      12. Percent of pregnant women whose blood pressure was checked at first ANC visit
      13. Percent of pregnant women who had weight checked at first ANC visit
      14. Percent of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics screened for syphilis
      15. Percent of women who received at least two doses of tetanus-toxoid vaccine in their last pregnancy
      16. Percent of pregnant women who receive anthelminthic treatment during pregnancy
      17. Percent of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel
      18. Percent of births in health facilities
      19. Percent of all births in EmOC facilities
      20. Percent of women who received prophylactic oxytocin for vaginal delivery before delivery of placenta
      21. Percent of mothers examined every 30 minutes during the first two hours after delivery
      22. Percent of women discharged from facilities in less than 24 hours after childbirth
      23. Percent of women receiving postpartum care by a skilled health personnel within two days of childbirth
      24. Percent women receiving postpartum/ postabortion family planning counseling (as a percent of women seen)
      25. Percent of maternal deaths due to indirect causes at EmOC facilities
      26. Percent of facilities that conduct case review/audits into maternal death/near miss
      27. Percent of pregnant women with obstetrical complications treated within two hours at a health facility
      28. Cesarean sections as a percent of all births
      29. Case fatality rate (CFR) – all complications
      30. Direct obstetric case fatality rate
      31. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
      32. Met need for EmOC
    11. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

      1. Existence of a policy on SGBV
      2. Law prohibits marital rape
      3. Availability of social services within an acceptable distance
      4. Number of individuals using SGBV social services
      5. Number of cases of SGBV reported to health services
      6. Percent of target audience who say that wife beating is an acceptable way for husbands to discipline their wives
      7. Number of service providers trained to identify, refer, and care for SGBV survivors
      8. Percent of health units with at least one service provider trained to care for and refer SGBV survivors
      9. Percent of health units that have documented and adopted protocol for the clinical management of SGBV services
      10. Attitudes of health care providers towards SGBV survivors or services
      11. Prevalence of SGBV among men and women
      12. Number of programs implemented for men and boys that include examining gender and culture norms related to SGBV
    12. Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS

      1. AIDS Program Effort Index (API)
      2. National policy on STI/HIV/AIDS control
      3. Condoms available for distribution nationwide
      4. Percent of population with accepting attitudes towards those living with HIV
      5. Percent of population who correctly identify ways of preventing HIV
      6. Percent of population who reject incorrect beliefs about HIV/AIDS
      7. Voluntary counseling and testing centers with minimum conditions to provide quality services
      8. Antenatal clinics offering and referring for voluntary counseling and testing
      9. Percent of population who know methods of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV
      10. Percent of men and women aged 15-49 who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and who know their results
      11. Percent of pregnant women who were counseled and tested for HIV and know their results
      12. HIV prevalence among pregnant women 15-24 years old
      13. Number/percent of health providers trained in PMTCT
      14. Percent of all HIV positive pregnant women who received a complete course of ART prophylaxis
      15. Percent of HIV positive pregnant women who received appropriate treatment in labor, according to PMTCT recommendations
      16. Percent of infants of HIV-positive mothers receiving ARVs for PMTCT at birth
      17. Percent of population who had high risk sex in the last year
      18. Condom use at last high-risk sex
      19. Percent of women and men aged 15-49 who had more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months reporting the use of a condom during their last sexual intercourse
      20. Consistency of condom use
      21. Percent of men having commercial sex in last year
      22. Percent of men reporting the use of a condom the last time they had anal sex with a male partner
      23. Percent of young women and men aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse before the age of 15
      24. Percent of young people (15-24) having multiple partners in last year
      25. HIV prevalence in sub-populations with high-risk behavior
      26. Percent of injecting drug users never sharing equipment in the last month
      27. Percent of donated blood units screened for HIV in a quality assured manner
      28. Percent of STI patients appropriately diagnosed and treated
      29. Percent primary health care facilities providing comprehensive approaches for symptomatic STIs
      30. Percent of STI patients receiving advice on condom use and partner notification and referral for HIV testing
      31. Percent of health facilities providing STI services with adequate drug supply
      32. Number/percent of health facilities with the capacity to deliver appropriate care to HIV-infected patients
      33. Percent of adults and children with advanced HIV infection receiving ART
    13. Women’s Nutrition

      1. Percent of women who gain weight in the last two trimesters of pregnancy within the recommended range for their weight status
      2. Percent of non-pregnant women of reproductive age who have a low body mass index (BMI
      3. Percent of non-pregnant women of reproductive age who have a high body mass index (BMI>25)
      4. Percent of women with a low mid-upper arm circumference (
      5. Percent of service delivery points with adequate supplies of mineral/vitamin supplements
      6. Percent of pregnant women who receive the recommended number of iron/folate supplements during pregnancy
      7. Anemia testing included as component of basic antenatal care package
      8. Percent pregnant women tested for anemia
      9. Percent of women of reproductive age with anemia
      10. Percent of women living in households using adequately iodized salt
      11. Percent of women with a live birth in the last two years who received high-dose Vitamin A within eight weeks (six weeks if not breastfeeding) of their last live birth
      12. Percent of women with low serum vitamin A concentration
      13. Percent of women with night blindness in last pregnancy
    14. Women’s Nutrition and HIV

      1. National policy on nutrition and HIV, including a postnatal nutritional care and support policy
      2. Number/percent of HIV care and treatment sites with at least one service provider trained in a ministry of health-approved course on nutrition and HIV
      3. Number/percent of HIV care and treatment sites providing individual nutrition counseling services
      4. Number/percent of women (15-49) with HIV who were nutritionally assessed with anthropometric measurement during reporting period
      5. Number/percent of women (15-49) with HIV who were found to be undernourished during reporting period
      6. Implementation of postnatal nutritional care and support policy at PMTCT sites.
      7. Number/percent of women of reproductive age with HIV who were assessed with anthropometric measurement and who also received therapeutic or supplementary food during the reporting period
      8. Number/percent of women of reproductive age with HIV who were assessed with anthropometric measurement and who also received nutrition counseling during the reporting period
      9. Percent HIV positive women who have MUAC
      10. Infant feeding in three specific areas: 1. Percent HIV-exposed infants who are exclusively BF at 3 months 2. Percent HIV-exposed infants who are replacement feeding at 3 months 3. Percent HIV-exposed infants who are mixed feeding at 3 months
  4. Men’s Health

    1. Male Circumcision

      1. Degree of supportive policy and legislative environment
      2. Proportion of males circumcised in the intended population
      3. Number of institutions delivering minimum package of male circumcision services
      4. Number of health providers trained in male circumcision
      5. Percent of population aged 15-49 years with correct knowledge of male circumcision for HIV prevention
      6. Percent of uncircumcised males (or parents of) with a stated intention to be circumcised (have next-born or teenage sons circumcised) in the next 12 months (or at birth) in the intended population
      7. Number of male circumcisions performed according to national standards during the reporting period
      8. Number/percent of circumcised males experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event during or following surgery, during the reporting period
      9. Number/percent of persons seeking male circumcision services tested for HIV on site
      10. Percent of males circumcised who received counseling on risk reduction and who received condoms during the reporting period
      11. Percent of males circumcised who had at least one postoperative follow-up visit (routine or emergency), during the reporting period
    2. Male Engagement in Reproductive Health Programs

      1. Availability of accessible, relevant, and accurate information about sexual and reproductive health tailored to young men
      2. Number of visits to male-focused services, by type of service
      3. Percent of men (husbands) who are supportive of their partners’ reproductive health practices
      4. Percent of men who accompany their partner to an antenatal care visit
      5. Percent of men present at the health facility during the birth of last child
      6. Percent distribution of contraceptive methods currently used by men or their sexual partners
      7. Percent of men who have ever used any male family planning method or family planning method that requires male cooperation
      8. Men’s condom use at last sex
      9. Number of family planning providers trained on male-specific family planning
      10. Number or percent of vasectomy referrals
      11. Number or percent of facilities that offer vasectomy services
      12. Number of vasectomies performed
      13. Inclusion of vasectomy in family planning guidelines/strategies, regulations, or policies
      14. Percent of men who support the use of modern contraception for themselves or their partners
      15. Percent of men who share in the decision making of reproductive health issues with their spouse or sexual partner
      16. Percent of men who disagree that contraception is a woman’s business and a man should not have to worry about it
      17. Evidence of engagement of men in family planning incorporated in national health standards or policies
      18. Attitudes towards gender norms (GEM Scale)
      19. Number of family planning providers trained on gender equity and sensitivity
      20. Number of national-level programs/ policies/advocacy campaigns that address gender equity
  5. Gender

    1. Women and Girls’ Status and Empowerment

      1. Percent of women who have completed at least four years of schooling
      2. Percent of women who have completed at least ten years of education
      3. Percent of women who earn cash
      4. Percent of women who mainly decide how their own income will be used
      5. Percent of women who own property or productive resources in their name
      6. Participation of women in household decision-making index
      7. Percent of women who have weekly exposure to mass media
      8. Age at first marriage
      9. Law requires free and full consent of parties to a marriage
  6. Service Delivery

    1. Service Delivery (Core)

    2. Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

      1. Existence of national laws, regulations, or policies that limit access to effective family planning services for unmarried and/or young people
      2. Percent of population living within two hours travel time from nearest facility offering a specific reproductive health service
      3. Number of service facilities offering a specific reproductive health service per 500,000 people
      4. Cost of one month’s supply of contraceptives as a percent of monthly wages
      5. Percent of facilities with non-medical restrictive eligibility criteria
      6. Percent of non-use related to psycho-social barriers
      7. Percent of primary health care facilities providing family planning services
      8. Service delivery points providing appropriate medical, psychological, and legal support for women and men who have been raped or experienced incest
      9. Number of communities with established referral systems between the community and primary, secondary, and tertiary resources for reproductive health services
      10. Number/percent of clients referred to other reproductive health services
      11. Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA)
    3. Gender Equity and Sensitivity in Service Delivery

      1. Gender equity in the organizational context
      2. Gender sensitivity in the service delivery environment
    4. Program Management in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

      1. Availability of a clear, strategic mission statement
      2. A well-aligned strategic plan exists and is disseminated
      3. Percent of annual objectives achieved by the organization
      4. Availability of logical and explicit organizational structure
      5. Percent of employees who have completed their annual performance reviews with their supervisors for the last performance period
      6. Percent of key positions filled
      7. Staff turnover rate
      8. Availability and use of a coherent planning system
      9. Number/percent of organization/program units systematically using information to plan and monitor performance
      10. Number/percent of reporting units submitting a completed routine management information systems report on time
      11. Percent of data elements reported accurately in MIS reports
      12. A system for quality assurance has been institutionalized
      13. The budget is linked to the annual operational plan for the current year
      14. The financial management system produces accurate, timely information
      15. Percent of annual revenue generated from diverse sources
    5. Quality of Care in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

      1. Percent of facilities prepared to provide the essential services
      2. Percent of facilities with systems that support quality service delivery (assessed separately for each service)
      3. Quick investigation of quality
      4. Percent of facilities where service providers for specific services provide the services in adherence to expected expected standards
    6. Social and Behavior Change Communication

      1. Percent of audience reporting exposure to family planning messages on radio, television, electronic platforms, or in print
      2. Percent of audience who recall hearing or seeing a specific product, practice, or service
      3. Percent of audience with a favorable (or unfavorable) attitude toward the product, practice, or service
      4. Percent of audience who perceive risk in a given behavior
      5. Percent of audience who believe that the recommended practice/product will reduce their risk
      6. Percent of nonusers who intend to adopt a certain practice in the future
      7. Percent of audience who practice the recommended behavior
    7. Training in Service Delivery

      1. Number of trainees by type of personnel and topic of training
      2. Number/percent of trainees who have mastered relevant knowledge
      3. Number/percent of trainees competent to provide specific services upon completion of training
      4. Number/percent of trainees assigned to an appropriate service delivery point and/or job responsibilities
      5. Number/percent of trained providers who perform to established guidelines/standards
      6. Number/percent of training events that achieve learning objectives
      7. Organization has the capacity to maintain a functional information system on its training program
      8. Number of faculty and trainers who demonstrate the use of professional core training competencies on the job
      9. Organization has a systematic process for follow-up and support of trainees after the training event
      10. Existence of training strategy based on needs assessment to improve quality of service delivery
      11. The organization systematically evaluates its training program to improve effectiveness
      12. Demonstrated organizational capacity to carry out training on a sustained basis
      13. Adaptability of the organization/system to changing needs in a training environment
  7. Health Service Integration

    1. Population, Health, and Environment

      1. Number of linked messages/materials created
      2. Number of instances of population, health, or environment organizations addressing non-traditional audiences
      3. Number of instances of organizations facilitating access to services outside of their traditional sectors
      4. Percent of communities in target/project areas receiving all three PHE elements
      5. Number of enabling local ordinances/policies supporting PHE
  8. Health Systems

    1. Health System Strengthening

      1. Number and distribution of health facilities per 10,000 population
      2. Number and distribution of inpatient beds per 10,000 population
      3. Number of outpatient department visits per 10,000 population per year
      4. Government health expenditure on reproductive health
      5. The ratio of household out-of-pocket payments for healthcare to household income
      6. Number of health workers per 10,000 population by type of health worker
      7. Distribution of health workers, by occupation/specialization, region, place of work and sex
      8. Existence of designated mechanisms charged with analysis of RH statistics
      9. Two or more population-based data points for maternal mortality in the last 10 years
      10. Percent of births registered in the country
      11. Percent of deaths registered in the country
      12. Average availability of 14 selected essential medicines in public and private health facilities
      13. Median consumer price ratio of 14 selected essential medicines in public and private health facilities
      14. Existence of a comprehensive reproductive health policy consistent with the ICPD action plan
    2. Policy Environment

      1. Existence of national/subnational or organizational policies or strategic plans that promote equitable and affordable access to high-quality family planning and reproductive health services and information
      2. Evidence that policy barriers to equitable and affordable reproductive health services and information have been identified, addressed and/or removed
      3. Percent of government health budget allocated to family planning and reproductive health
      4. Types of financing mechanisms for the delivery of family planning/reproductive health goods and/or services identified, tested, and/or officially adopted
      5. Existence of official policy incentives to stimulate and/or increase private sector financing and/or delivery of family planning/reproductive health services and/or commodities
      6. Institution has the technical capacity and inter-institutional relationships to implement family planning/reproductive health policies
      7. Evidence that systems exist for monitoring the progress made in implementing family planning/reproductive health policies
      8. Evidence of civil society involvement in developing family planning/reproductive health policies
      9. Evidence of civil society participation in monitoring the implementation of family planning/reproductive health policies
    3. Private Sector

      1. Number/percent of government-initiated mechanisms that support private sector provision of health services
      2. Number of policy changes that have been implemented to enhance the policy environment for private sector family planning service expansion
      3. Number of public/private partnerships established or brokered that lead to health systems strengthening
      4. Number of private sector interventions established, expanded or strengthened that increase the supply of quality family planning products or services to target populations
      5. Number and percent of private sector outlets that provide a specific family planning service meeting national and/or international quality standards
      6. Number and percent of women and men aged 15-49 who use a private sector source to obtain modern family planning methods
      7. Percent of contraceptives available from the private sector
      8. Per contraceptive method, percent sourced from the private sector
      9. Number and type of commercial contraceptive products on the market and their prices
    4. Supply Chain

      1. Percent of total spent on procurement of family planning commodities for public sector services by the national government, U.S. government, the United Nations Population Fund, or other sources
      2. Percent of program-supported countries that have a functional logistics coordination mechanism in place
      3. Percent of countries conducting annual forecasts
      4. Percent of family planning stock status observations in storage sites where family planning commodities are stocked according to plan
      5. Procurement plans and coordination among suppliers/donors are monitored/managed by the program
      6. Service delivery point reporting rate to the logistics management information system
      7. Percent of facilities whose stock levels ensure near-term product availability
      8. Stockout rate at service delivery points
      9. Occurrence of stockouts for any contraceptive or other identified reproductive health commodity at the central-level warehouse during a specified time period
      10. Percent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistance
      11. Supply chain technical staff turnover rate
    5. Total Market Approach

      1. Total number of each type of family planning product and service needed to meet the demand for family planning
      2. Total number of each type of family planning product or service sold, distributed, or provided across all sectors
      3. Total market value of all family planning products and services sold
      4. Total number of unsubsidized brands available on the market for each family planning product
      5. Stockout rate at service delivery points
      6. Percent of service delivery points reporting gaps in availability of each family planning method or service
      7. Percent of total family planning products or services sold, distributed, or provided by the market leader
      8. Percent of current modern family planning users who last obtained their family planning method from each supply sector
      9. Percent of women of reproductive age who know at least one family planning source
    6. Family Planning Workforce

      1. Stock and density of human resources for health
      2. Number and/or percent of preservice education institutions that incorporate family planning in their curricula
      3. Number or percent of graduates of preservice education programs who are newly employed in the health workforce
      4. Number or percent of trainees assigned to an appropriate job responsibility
      5. Number and/or percent of training institutions that incorporate current family planning priorities in their in-service curricula
      6. Number and/or percent of health workers who have received in-service training or continuous professional development in family planning or a related topic of interest
      7. Number or percent of trainees who have mastered relevant knowledge and/or skills at the conclusion of the training
      8. Number or percent of trainees who perform to established guidelines/standards
      9. Number of individuals trained to conduct supportive supervision
      10. Number or percent of service delivery points receiving supportive supervision visits
      11. Number or percent of women who report satisfaction with their family planning provider
  9. Monitoring and Evaluation Resources

    1. Operations Research

      1. Performance of operations research and impact of results
      2. Process Indicators (P-1 through P-15)
      3. Impact Indicators (I-1 through I-12)
      4. Context and Other Factors (C-1 through C-4)