AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments This database reflects a great amount of work by several individuals, organizations, and working groups over the past decade in monitoring and evaluating family planning/reproductive health programs in developing countries. USAID provided the support for this database under the MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) project through Cooperative Agreement GHA-A-00-08-00003-00 and implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We wish to acknowledge Jacob Adetunji and Rachel Lucas, USAID technical advisors to MEASURE Evaluation PRH, for their guidance throughout this process. The database was updated in 2017. The main author of this database is Bridgit Adamou with Eilene Bisgrove as the Senior Technical Advisor and collaborating writer. Janine Barden-O’Fallon, MEASURE Evaluation PRH Project Director, provided technical assistance and oversight. We thank Ed Van Duinen, Yi Liu, and Billy Saelim for the web development and Julie Mohlman for data entry. We would like to acknowledge the contributors to this database, including the original authors of the Compendium of Indicators for Evaluating Reproductive Health Programs (2002), Jane Bertrand and Gabriela Escuedero, and those that contributed to the Compendium. Additionally, we wish to acknowledge, alphabetically, the following individuals who contributed to the content in this database: Mary Ann Abeyta-Benke USAID Linda Adair UNC-Chapel Hill Juan Carlos Alegre MSH Lindsay Allen UC-Davis Soumya Alva AIM Global Health Ian Askew Population Council Michal Avni USAID Patsy Bailey FHI Gary Barker The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) Bernard Barrere Macro International Janie Benson Ipas Cynthia Berg National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC Ruth Berg ABT Associates Giles Bergeron AED Shelah Bloom MEASURE Evaluation Bruno Bouchet FHI Carolyn Boyce Pathfinder International Sarah Bradley Macro International Doortje Braeken IPPF/London Judith Bruce Population Council Holly Burke FHI Adam Buzzacco IntraHealth (Capacity Plus) Linda Cahaelen USAID Tony Castleman AED (Fanta-2) Elaine Charurat JHPIEGO Parul Christian JHU Carmen Coles USAID Anne Cross Macro International Carolyn Curtis USAID Sîan Curtis MEASURE Evaluation Bernadette Daelmans WHO Heather D’Agnes USAID Virginia de Azevedo City of Cape Town Dept. of Health, Khayelitsha Sub-district Megan Deitchler AED Kim Dickson WHO Nafissatou Diop UNFPA Cody Donahue Tostan Mary Drake JHPIEGO Melissa Dunn MEASURE Evaluation Dan Edwards Consultant, Training Resources Group (TRG) Leslie Elder Save the Children (Saving Newborn Lives) Marguerite Farrell USAID Fariyal Fikree Population Reference Bureau Karen Foreit Futures Group Alfredo Fort MEASURE DHS/PATH Nina Frankel IntraHealth Nancy Fronczak Consultant Katherine Gifford UNFPA Victoria Graham USAID Gulchin Gulmamadova UNC-Chapel Hill Gwyn Hainsworth Pathfinder International Michael Hainsworth IntraHealth David Hamer Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine Karen Hardee Consultant Joan Healy Ipas Amie Heap USAID Britt Herstad Futures Group Virginia Hight IntraHealth David Hotchkiss Tulane (Health Systems 20/20) Natasha Hsi ABT Associates (SHOPS) Barbara Janowitz FHI Nicole Judice Futures Group Inoussa Kabore FHI Justine Kavle Georgetown University (FAM) Larry Kincaid JHU/CCP Sunita Kishor Macro International Rolf Klemm JHU and AED (A2Z Micronutrient Project) Marge Koblinsky JSI Sandra Krause Women’s Refugee Commission Miriam Labbock UNC-Chapel Hill (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute) Anne LaFond JSI Virginia Lamprecht (Ginzy) USAID Catherine Lane USAID Evelyn Landry EngenderHealth (Fistula Care) Lynn Lawry US Department of Defense and Harvard Medical School Andrew Levack EngenderHealth Jessica Levy UNC-Chapel Hill Rebecka Lundgren Georgetown University (FAM) Patricia MacDonald USAID Heidi Marriott IPPF/London Catharine McKaig JHPIEGO Jim Mercy National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC Vicky Michener AED Elizabeth Snyder Futures Group Lynne Miller Franco University Research Co. (Health Care Improvement Project) Kristen Mmari JHU Allisyn Moran Save the Children (Saving Newborn Lives) Cate Neill Ipas Crystal Ng IntraHealth (Capacity Plus) Maureen Norton USAID Sarah Pacqué-Margolis IntraHealth (Capacity Plus) Leslie Patykewich JSI Mary Paul UNC-Chapel Hill Cary Perry MSH Kevin Pilz USAID Beth Plowman Consultant (Saving Newborn Lives) May Post Pathfinder International (ESD Project) Bill Powell Ipas Diana Prieto USAID Julie Pulerwitz PATH Susan Purdin IRC Celia Pyper Oxford University Daniel Raiten Center for Research for Mothers and Children, NIH Sandhya Rao USAID Kathleen Rasmussen Cornell University Rushna Ravji USAID Heidi Reynolds MEASURE Evaluation Erika Ronnow JSI (DELIVER) Anna-Kaye Rowe Advocates for Youth Julia Samuelson WHO David Sarley JSI (DELIVER) Sidney Schuler AED Hannah Searing EngenderHealth (RESPOND) David Searly JSI Mahua Sen IPPF/London Florina Serbanescu National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC Anna Maria Siega-Riz UNC-Chapel Hill La Rue Siems MSH (Saving Newborn Lives) Callie Simon Pathfinder International Kavita Singh MEASURE Evaluation Jeff Spieler USAID Ilene Speizer MEASURE Evaluation John Stanback FHI Ellen Starbird USAID Charles Stephenson UC-Davis Patricia Stephenson USAID Kristen Stolka Pathfinder International (ESD Project) Beth Sutherland MEASURE Evaluation Jim Thomas MEASURE Evaluation Alex Todd-Lippock USAID Jenny Truong USAID Vivien Tsu PATH Amy Tsui JHU, Center for Global Health Denise Vaillencourt USAID Beth Vann UNHCR Consultant Joshua Volle AED (C-Change) Hong Wang Abt Associates Carla White Pathfinder International (ESD Project) Rose Wilcher FHI Nancy Williamson FHI Nancy Yinger EngenderHealth (RESPOND) Filed under: Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, Reproductive Health, RH