Percent of community-based family planning providers who report not experiencing a stock-out in the past 6 months Percent of community-based family planning providers who report not experiencing a stock-out in the past 6 months Definition: Proportion of community-based family planning (FP) workers who report not experiencing a stockout of any FP commodities in the past six months. A stockout is deemed to occur when a community-based provider has no supplies of a particular method, even though there may be supplies of other brands for the same method. This indicator is calculated as: (Number of community-based FP providers who report no stock-out in the past six months / total number of community-based FP providers surveyed) x 100 Data Requirement(s): Statistics on which FP methods stocked-out by community-based provider and when the stockouts occurred Data Source(s): Facility records or program records from community-based providers Purpose: This indicator provides a measure of the extent to which community-based providers have been able to serve clients with FP methods during the past year due to adequate supplies. It also measures how well the contraceptive supply system is working, which includes good record-keeping and making correct estimates regarding demand and use. Issue(s): If community-based providers are not closely monitoring their FP supply, the stockout count may be inaccurate due to under-reporting. Also, caution should be used in interpreting this indicator since FP workers can avoid stockouts by rationing supplies. Keywords: family planning, commodity, community References: Bertrand, J.T., R. Magnani, and J. Knowles. 1994. Handbook of Indicators for Family Planning Program Evaluation. The Evaluation Project. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Carolina Population Center. USAID. 2008. Flexible Fund Guidance for Grantees: Implementation Plan (IP) and Baseline Assessments. Washington DC: USAID. Related content Family Planning (Core) Filed under: cbfp, commodity, community, Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, Reproductive Health, RH