Percent of family planning clients who received HIV testing at the family planning service delivery point or were referred for HIV testing

Percent of family planning clients who received HIV testing at the family planning service delivery point or were referred for HIV testing

Percent of family planning clients who received HIV testing at the family planning service delivery point or were referred for HIV testing

Family planning (FP) clients who received HIV testing at the the service delivery point (SDP) or were referred by the FP provider for HIV testing include any FP clients who are interested or in need of testing for HIV.

Referral occurs if the client is advised where he/she can go to find an HIV testing source not provided at the site, and the referral is documented at the referral source as proof that a referral was made.

This indicator is calculated as:

(Number of FP clients provided or referred for HIV testing / Total number of FP clients screened for unmet HIV testing need at a FP SDP) x 100

Total number of FP clients; record of clients who have an unmet HIV testing need; record of FP clients who received HIV testing or were referred for testing.

Service delivery data.  Data should be disaggregated by sex, age, and if they received or were referred for testing.

This indicator measures both referrals for and provision of HIV testing at FP SDPs. Referral for HIV testing is part of the comprehensive package for integrated FP/HIV services, and is an important component for HIV prevention, including PMTCT.

Service delivery records for this indicator, particularly among SDPs that do not provide HIV services, can be notoriously incomplete.  Even for facilities that provide both FP and HIV services, they may not be provided in the same place or by the same provider, which can create challenges for accurate record keeping.

access, family planning, HIV/AIDS, integration