Neonatal Mortality Estimates and Associated Risk Factors in Nine Counties in Kenya Author(s): Ann Wanjiru Mwangi, Faith Hilda Yego Year: 2023 Filed under: Kenya, Maternal and child health, MCH, Report
Child Protection Case Management Information Systems: Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: A Framework for Engagement Author(s): Molly Cannon, Stuardo Herrera, Patricia Mechael (MEASURE Evaluation) Year: 2020 Filed under: Alternative care, Armenia, Cambodia, Case management, child protection, Children, CMIS, Ghana, Guatemala, Information System, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation, Moldova, Uganda
Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Kenya: Impact of the Free Maternity Service Policy on Healthcare Use and Lives Saved Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: assessment, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence, Kenya, method, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems
Impact of a Systems Engineering Intervention on PMTCT Service Delivery in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique: A Cluster Randomized Trial Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: assessment, Côte d’Ivoire, Cote Divoire Resources, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence, Kenya, method, Mozambique, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems
Referral Network Analysis for Improved HIV Care in Homa Bay County, Kenya: Final Report Author(s): Agala CB, Xiong K, Thomas JC, Powell R Year: 2016 Filed under: HIV, HIV/AIDS, Kenya
Kenya: Snapshot of the Strength of the Health Information System as a Source of HIV Data Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2019 Filed under: Health Information Systems, HIS, HIV/AIDS, Kenya
Strengthening Kenyas Health Referral Systems Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2018 Filed under: Health Information Systems, Health Systems Strengthening, HIS, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA
Strengthening Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Kenya Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2018 Filed under: Health Information Systems, HIS, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA
Strengthening the Performance of Kenya’s Health Information System: Improvements in Data Quality and Use at the County Level Author(s): Millar, E. Year: 2019 Filed under: Capacity Assessment, Evaluation, HIS, Kenya, Learning agenda, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA, Monitoring
Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for the Scale-Up of Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) in Kenya Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation PIMA Year: 2017 Filed under: EmONC, Evaluation, Kenya, Maternal Health, Monitoring, Newborn health