Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Ghana Author(s): Mari Hickman, Bashiru Adams, Ghana country core team (MEASURE Evaluation) Year: 2018 Filed under: Alternative care, Care for children, Child health, Children, Ghana, MEASURE Evaluation
An Assessment of the Prerequisites for a Social Welfare Information Management System in Ghana Author(s): Otieno, P., Mutwiri, J., & Antwi-Boasiako, E. W. (MEASURE Evaluation) Year: 2020 Filed under: Alternative care, Care for children, Child health, Children, Ghana, Information System, MEASURE Evaluation
Child Protection Case Management Information Systems: Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: A Framework for Engagement Author(s): Molly Cannon, Stuardo Herrera, Patricia Mechael (MEASURE Evaluation) Year: 2020 Filed under: Alternative care, Armenia, Cambodia, Case management, child protection, Children, CMIS, Ghana, Guatemala, Information System, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation, Moldova, Uganda
Can a Quality Improvement Project Impact Maternal and Child Health Outcomes at Scale in Northern Ghana? Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: assessment, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence, Ghana, method, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems
Strengthening the Care Continuum Project in Ghana: Midterm Assessment Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: assessment, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence, Ghana, method, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems
Enhancing Government Capacity to Assess, Address, and Monitor Child Protection and Care Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: Armenia, capacity strengthening, CECA, Child health, child protection, Data, Ghana, Moldova, Monitoring