Evaluation of a School-Based Sexuality and HIV-Prevention Activity in South Africa: Midline Qualitative Report Author(s): Mkhwanazi, N., Mandal, M., Biehl, H., & Durno, D. (MEASURE Evaluation) Year: 2019 Filed under: AGYW, Evaluation, HIV, HIV prevention, MEASURE Evaluation, South Africa, Youth
Organizational Network Analysis of Referrals for Adolescent Girls and Young Women Author(s): Emily Weaver, Milissa Markiewicz, Carolyn Wilson Year: 2019 Filed under: Adolescent health, AGYW, Botswana, GBV, Gender, HIV, HIV prevention, ona, PEPFAR, Report
Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) Tool Kit Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2019 Filed under: GIS, HIV, HIV prevention, HIV/AIDS, Toolkit
Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Haiti: A Survey of HIV Risk Behavior, HIV Service Use, and Partner Violence Author(s): Andrinopoulos, K., Felker-Kantor, E., Michel, J., Francoise, K., & Desinor, O. Year: 2019 Filed under: Adolescent health, AGYW, Haiti, HIV, HIV prevention, PEPFAR
Characterizing Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Mozambique: Quantitative Results from Beira, Quelimane, and Xai-Xai Districts Author(s): Jenifer Chapman, Sarah Treves-Kagan, Mahua Mandal, Ariane Dinis Year: 2018 Filed under: Adolescent health, AGYW, HIV, HIV prevention, Mozambique