Use of Routine Data for Economic Evaluations

Use of Routine Data for Economic Evaluations

Webinar on use of routine data for economic evaluations

In October 2020, Data for Impact held the first webinar in a series sharing lessons learned and practical suggestions on using routine and other existing data for evaluation and research. This one-hour webinar focused on using routine data for economic evaluations and was led by Anna Krivelyova, ICF.

Information on costs is critical for making fully informed decisions for allocating investments and scaling and sustaining programs and interventions to maximize impact. However, comprehensive cost data is rarely captured as part of routine data systems and often must be pieced together using multiple sources of information. In this webinar, the presenter discussed common sources of routine data for costing and economic evaluation and examined challenges and practical approaches in its use.

Watch the webinar recording and view the presentation slides.


Anna Krivelyova, MA, is a principal economist at ICF.  She leads cost analysis and economic evaluations of health programs and interventions in areas such as HIV, antimicrobial resistance, laboratory strengthening, vector control, and mental health.