Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Findings from a Cross-Country Assessment On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, the U.S. Government’s Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity (APCCA) secretariat and D4I hosted a webinar on “Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity Learning Session - Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Findings from a Cross-Country Assessment.”
Using Sentinel Indicators and Network Analysis to Assess Health Program Sustainability in Nigeria On February 28, 2024, D4I hosted the second webinar in a series on localization in monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) about using sentinel indicators and network analysis to assess health program sustainability in Nigeria.
10 Ways to Increase the Use of Evaluation Findings We are Agata Slota, Cassandra Ake, and Lucinda Jones with the USAID-funded Data for Impact (D4I) project. D4I supports countries to generate and use high-quality data to improve their programs, policies, and health outcomes. Our activity with D4I focuses on identifying behavioral interventions to increase the use of evaluation findings. Here are 10 evidence-based approaches your organization can try.
Op-Ed: Understanding the ‘fourth trimester’ Op-Ed: Understanding the ‘fourth trimester’ External link to news article: Understanding the ‘fourth trimester’ Author(s): Aniqa Tasnim Hossain and Shusmita Khan Year: 2023 Language: English Region(s): BANGLADESH