Resources: Using Routine Data in Evaluations

Zana za Viashiria vya Kila Mtoto Mchanga - Uboreshaji wa Upimaji kwa Watoto Wachanga na Watoto Waliozaliwa Wafu (EN-MINI) Zana za Mifumo ya Kawaida ya Taarifa za Afya (2024, )
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems and Findings from its Implementation in Tanzania (2024, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems (Bangla) (2024, )
An Overview of the Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems (2024, English)
The Two-Stage Integrated Approach Methodology (2023, English)
D4I Technical Assistance on the Establishment of the Case Management Information System (CMIS) in Armenia (2023, English)
Brief: Considerations for the Use of Routine Data for Evaluation of Public Health Programs (2022, English)
HIS Mapping: An Inventory of Digital Tools in Use by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Estimating the Effects of COVID-19 on Immunization Services Use in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Estimating the Effects of COVID-19 on Health Service Utilization in Uganda (2021, English)
Estimating National and Area-Specific COVID-19 Effects on Health Service Use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2021, English)
Improving Private Health Care Data Collection in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on utilization of health services in the DRC and Bangladesh: Technical note (2021, English)
Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on total utilization of health services in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Strengthening Collection, Management, and Use of Quality Routine Data for Alternative Care in Uganda (2020, English)
Strengthening Collection, Management and Use of Quality Routine Data for the Provision of Child Protection and Care in Armenia (2020, English)
Support Clubs for Children and Youth in Haiti Living with HIV: Technical Brief on a Case Study (2020, English)
Assessing Healthcare Quality Using Routine Data: Evaluating the Performance of the National Tuberculosis Program in South Africa (2020, English)
Impact of a District-Wide Health Center Strengthening Intervention on Healthcare Utilization in Rural Rwanda: Use of Interrupted Time Series Analysis (2020, English)
Evaluating the Impact of Malaria Interventions in Zanzibar, 2000–2015: Report Prepared for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (2020, English)
Brief on Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine: Evaluation of the Impact of the TB-HIV Integration Strategy on Treatment Outcomes (2020, English)
Quality of Care, Risk Management, and Technology in Obstetrics to Reduce Hospital-based Maternal Mortality in Senegal and Mali (QUARITE): A Cluster Randomized Trial (2020, English)
Assessment of the 2017 National Campaign for the Promotion of Family Planning in Mali (2020, English)
Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Kenya: Impact of the Free Maternity Service Policy on Healthcare Use and Lives Saved (2020, English)
Can a Quality Improvement Project Impact Maternal and Child Health Outcomes at Scale in Northern Ghana? (2020, English)
Impact of a Free Health Care Policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during an Ebola outbreak: An interrupted time-series analysis (2020, English)
Impact of a Systems Engineering Intervention on PMTCT Service Delivery in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique: A Cluster Randomized Trial (2020, English)
Strengthening the Care Continuum Project in Ghana: Midterm Assessment (2020, English)
Initial Evidence of Reduction of Malaria Cases and Deaths in Rwanda and Ethiopia Due to Rapid Scale-Up of Malaria Prevention and Treatment (2020, English)
Pilot Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Kenya (2019, English)
Pilot-Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Zambia: Summary of the Results (2019, English)
Malawi: Snapshot of the Strength of the Health Information System as a Source of HIV Data (2019, English)
Kenya: Snapshot of the Strength of the Health Information System as a Source of HIV Data (2019, English)
Strengthening Kenyas Health Referral Systems (2019, English)
Strengthening Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Kenya (2019, English)
An Information System for Gender-Based Violence Care and Support: Botswana (2019, English)
Factors Affecting Sex- and Age-Disaggregated Data in Health Information Systems Lessons from the Field (2019, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems: Kiswahili (2024, )
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems: Tanzania Pilot Study Report (2023, English)
Mapped newborn data availability in routine Health Information Systems: EN-MINI mapping tool results: Tanzania – June 2022 (2022, English)
EN-MINI Tools: Training Manual (2022, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems (2022, English)
A Manual for Routine Monitoring of the Alternative Care System in Ghana (2020, English)
USAID Integrated Health Program (IHP) Evaluation Report: Midline Qualitative Addendum (2023, English)
USAID Integrated Health Program Evaluation Report: Year 2 Impact Evaluation Results (2022, English)
Using Routine Data in Combination with Population Surveys to Understand Patterns of Contraceptive Use: A Case Study of Malawi (2022, English)
USAID Integrated Health Program Midline Evaluation: Results from the 2019 and 2021 health facility surveys (2021, English)
Seminar on Strengthening the Routine Health Information System of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Validating the Effectiveness of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Routine Health Information Systems (2021, English)
Strengthening Routine Health Information Systems through Electronic Management Systems in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Needs Assessment on Resources for Use of Routine and Other Secondary Data for Health Evaluation and Research (2020, English)
The Impact of USAID’s Integrated Health Program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Baseline Report (2020, English)
A Practical Guide to Using Routine Data in Evaluation (2020, English)
Bangladesh's Electronic Management Information Systems: Using Digital Technology to Link Community Data with Facility Data: Case Study (2019, English)
Rencontre annuel conjointe des responsables des systmes nationaux d'information sanitaire (SNIS) et de la surveillance intgre de la maladie et riposte (SIMR) avec les partenaires techniques et financiers de lespace CEDEAO: RAPPORT GENERAL (2019, French)
Country-Led, Holistic Data Quality Assurance: Institutionalizing Data Quality through a National Technical Working Group and the Data Quality Review (2019, English)
Assessing the Capacity of Monitoring and Evaluation and Health Information Systems: Guidance (2019, English)
Information Products to Drive Decision Making: How to Promote the Use of Routine Data Throughout a Health System (2019, English)
Working Papers
Using DHIS 2 Software to Collect Health Data in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Feasibility of Integrating Social Service and Community Health Data in DHIS 2 (2021, English)
Lessons in Health Information System Strengthening: What Worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2019, English)
Strengthening Data Demand and Use in Three African Countries: Lessons Learned from the Associate Awards in Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania (2019, English)
Conceptualizing and Measuring Data Use: A Review of Assessments and Tools (2019, English)
EN-MINI Tools: Training Presentation (2022, English)
Journal Article
Production and Use of Estimates for Monitoring Progress in the Health Sector: The Case of Bangladesh (2019, English)