Does counseling on family planning at maternity care points increase the uptake of postpartum family planning?: Evidence from nationally representative survey Author(s): M. Moinuddin Haider, Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Shusmita Khan, & Mizanur Rahman Year: 2024 Filed under: Antenatal Care, Bangladesh, Brief, DHS, Family Planning, postnatal care, postpartum
Assessment of a Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) Intervention in Selected Areas of Bangladesh Author(s): M Mahabubur Rahman, M Moinuddin Haider, Prianka Barman, Md. Ali Imam, Shusmita Khan, Anadil Alam, Quamrun Nahar, Zubair Shams, Nurun Nahar Begum, Mizanur Rahman Year: 2024 Filed under: Antenatal Care, Bangladesh, Family Planning, Maternal and child health, postpartum, Pregnancy, Report, Reproductive Health
Postpartum Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Situation Analysis and Way Forward Author(s): Barkataki, S., Huda, F., Nahar, Q., Rahman, M. Year: 2019 Filed under: Bangladesh, Contraception, Family Planning, postpartum, Pregnancy
Maternal postnatal care in Bangladesh: a closer look at specific content and coverage by different types of providers Author(s): Eunsoo Timothy Kim, Kavita Singh, and William Weiss Year: 2019 Filed under: Bangladesh, Maternal Health, postnatal care, postpartum
Postnatal care for newborns in Bangladesh: The importance of health-related factors and location Author(s): Kavita Singh, Paul Brodish, Mahbub Elahi Chowdhury, Taposh Kumar Biswas, Eunsoo Timothy Kim, Christine Godwin, and Allisyn Moran Year: 2017 Filed under: Bangladesh, neonatal health, Newborn health, postnatal care, postpartum
The status of postpartum family planning in Bangladesh: A situation analysis and way forward Author(s): Data for Impact Year: 2020 Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, Contraception, Family Planning, Policy, postpartum, Pregnancy